Hi Painhearted. You still there honey?

How's life after 23?

Trials never left me. I wasn't the same person I used to know after college. Fact is I avoided entering the government for safety reason not knowing that the corporate world will change me into someone I no longer recognized. 

Back then when I was still in college, I will not let anyone affect my peace and tranquility. I stay calm and there's a lot of action going on than merely talking but now, I think this environment that I am in right now has changed me to be bolder, braver and blunt. And I don't know if it's a good thing or not. 

In three months now, I don't even know where I am. I don't know if I will be okay, still calm and determined to pursue every goals that I have set. But to be honest, I am scared. I am scared that I am not yet ready to left the 'E Quadrant' and moved into the 'S Quadrant' although I am now reaching the 2nd month of my practice being on the 'S Quadrant'. What scares me on this sudden shift is my discipline and interest in staying consistent. How I wish there's a vitamin to take for that. Unfortunately, it is only my habits and will that would change it. I am scared not to be able to meet deadlines of my unsettled obligations. I am honestly not okay with my finances right now. I'm still trying my really best to prioritize everything according to their level of importance, interest, due dates and not to damage my relationships with my business partners, friends and love-ones. 

When it comes to my education, I am way past behind but not that pressured though, for I know that education can be a forever opportunity to learn something. My determination to finish law school is still there. It just have to wait a little more than. I want to settle my home, finances, behavior and relationships first. One at a time but will get there.

AYYY! I feel like doing this blog have reminded me of who I used to be and I kinda like it. This is all brand new since the last time I do one of these kind of entries is that I'm still a student. I don't have yet the willingness to take responsibility as a leader. I don't have yet the people management skills. I'm definitely selfish and a brat. I don't have the patience. I'm a little annoyed and will left eventually. But look at you now Ash! You're still there. Alive and kicking and a bit MORE BITCHY and RUDE.

I stop feeling calm and have to rule my social media post with random rants. My socmeds are my platform and I don't think anyone could stop me from speaking my mind,including this one.

I just wish I could stay consistent on updating my blogs, my online shop, my career upgrade, my financial check up and in doing well at what I love to dos.

I have to left this platform for now. Been sitting my ass here on my gaming chair for quite a while now.


Not a vlogger,but a blogger forever.

Expression on cam isn't good for me but I know where I'm good at instead ..in WORDS.



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