How I started the habit of Morning Pages

Morning Pages

"Being taught to be grateful has changed my life drastically."

I added to my morning routine few months ago the concept of 'morning pages'. At first, it's really hard to fill up those empty pages every morning and the test is to stay positive, determined and hopeful. It was hard to begin with because you tend to think about all the task you had for the day, the tasks you haven't done yesterday, the big tasks you haven't done in time, your tight schedule and worst, you lack that motivation to do them all.

It was on the channel of Amy Landino where I first seen this. Tried it the next morning right away.

Morning pages is so refreshing!
It actually changes the way you see things that is coming. It gives you hope and life!

So let me do a 'kwento' why I am writing this one.

I woke up this morning at around 4am.
It is the day I wish the night was longer enough to prepare me on what's coming next in my life.

Judgment Day.
The results are out for like 3 hours ago. I didn't wait for it. I slept around 8:30pm last nigh, too early than my usual 12am sleeping time.
I'm just so burnt out that day. I don't know maybe I was just occupying every time I have so not to be bothered much on what is inevitable.

I don't know what to feel. When people ask me "Are you okay" I answered with positivity and they don't believe me. Well, I myself don't believe that I wasn't affected. But I don't feel anything.

8Am came and I just woke up again.
I did my usual morning routine including my morning pages.

Writing this time is strange.
The task is to write at least three(3) things you are grateful for and I wrote
1. God
2. Me
3. Relationships

When I wrote those 3, it was so broad.

When I wrote God,
I thank him for the guidance, the divine election I was still holding in, the church duty I still have, the opportunities that keeps on knocking my emails this past few days, the people I was reunited with, the time I had to be fully equipped with knowledge and skills and my family who has been there behind my back, ALWAYS.

When I wrote Me,
It was something I haven't realize before.
Along with my review, I also learned to be okay with people, to deal with people, to know what is worth fighting for, to stand up for my own beliefs, to voice out what I'm afraid to do so before, to be strong for my women, to deal with my own demons, to not be afraid of what is coming next. Additionally I was able to connect with the right people, the strong and willed. Gone is the woman who don't know what to do with her life, who doesn't know where to stand.

Indeed, I really invested in myself for the last months and it was the greatest thing I did for myself.

When I wrote Relationships,
God knows how this word shattered my heart years ago.

I came from a broken family and having a good relationship with my Mom and my only sibling is really hard. I can't say we are now perfectly okay, bc that would be absurd. But I like the communication we have now. Unlike before that I don't really like the talking among us.

My friends, I have groupS.
My group of friends are not that big but I am happy.

My childhood friends including my churchmates and my elementary classmates are the most treasured. Why? They'd seen me in my worst already but still accepted me and continued being my friend up to this day. We may have different lives now, but a one text/chat/meet up is like time never lapses amongst us.
Hey Sarah, Abegail, Gladys, Beverly, Lea, Nica, Andrea, Jessa and Lynneth.

My High School Bhesties Princess and Suzette are my unexpected bestfriends. No we do not belong in the same class nor in the same batch but we talked and treat like we. Met them and been close to them since 2011 and up to now we have that strong bond like bestfriends since birth. They are my professionals bhesties now. Haha.

My J181 Family, the SAMSUMAFA and the outside SAMSUMAFA Friends like Angela, Lara, Rizza, and Diona, and of course Nica, they are my friends whom I share most of my Unforgettable Memories with.

My Secretariats Family, they are so real! They treated me like I've been with them since PNK Days and I love the spirits of this people like Masaya lang at sama-samang tumutupad ng tungkulin sa ating Panginoong Diyos.

And my most recent group, the Sugod Team - Hyacinth, Jullie, Maeve and Jai, well, Fangirling gets hype when the push is there.

Please include in my Relationship my Lovelife! Chos 😅
To my Love, I never thought you'll come in my life. Like you came right in time and hopefully you are my right love too. You treated me the way I wanted to be treated and respected me. Thank you.

There's no reason to mourn!
Being a CPA is just a Bonus. I am already blessed with the comfort of this life, the love of my people and the life lessons that I have learned.

Will see you on my next battle. 😉


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