How I started the habit of Morning Pages
"Being taught to be grateful has changed my life drastically." I added to my morning routine few months ago the concept of 'morning pages'. At first, it's really hard to fill up those empty pages every morning and the test is to stay positive, determined and hopeful. It was hard to begin with because you tend to think about all the task you had for the day, the tasks you haven't done yesterday, the big tasks you haven't done in time, your tight schedule and worst, you lack that motivation to do them all. It was on the channel of Amy Landino where I first seen this. Tried it the next morning right away. Morning pages is so refreshing! It actually changes the way you see things that is coming. It gives you hope and life! So let me do a 'kwento' why I am writing this one. I woke up this morning at around 4am. It is the day I wish the night was longer enough to prepare me on what's coming next in my life. Judgment Day. The result...