10 Helpful Minimalism Guidelines

10 Helpful Minimalism Guidelines By Break The Twitch 1. Does not cost you money. Just focus on decluttering. You don't need to buy those things you've seen on Scandinavian Minimalist Magazines or own by Minimalist Youtubers. 2. Dynamic, Not Static . Your Minimalism style could change over time. Let it evolve. 3. Declutter first, Organize second. Don't organize what you can throw away. 4. Don't let things get in the way. Remove things that you don't need and stop the inflow/hiring things that you don't need. 5. No number of items that you need to acquire, gain or own. Stop obsessing over numbers (e.g maintaining a 100-items) to be a Minimalist. Just maintain what you love and what you need. 6. Experience/Things Some believes that a minimalist should pay for experiences than things but studies shows that both are keys towards happiness. 7. Self-confidence Know your self-worth by removing your attachment to things. 8. Decision Musc...