My Minimalist Wallet and Coin Purse

So over the years, I had an obsession with long wallets and coin purses.

I have this urge to look for them whenever I'll go in a department store. Most of my travels includes purchasing a coin purse embedded the name of the region. Unknowingly, I already got a collection of wallets and coin purses in different colors and sizes.

This is actually my self-challenge for the last 3 months - to NEVER Purchase one. It's really hard for me since I live in the city where all the malls and department stores are just nearby.

I think it is the idea of having money that leads me into this purchases.

At the moment, I keep this two with me. It's either I will have the coin purse or the wallet depending on my agenda for the day.

They are so classy and neutral. My kind of taste that I already decluttered the colorful ones. It also fits my cards and bills and I usually flip my phone inside the wallet in between.


  1. Those wallets look great! I used to have an obsession with wallets, too. But last year, I finally found the one that really suits my taste. It’s my first time to own a wallet that lasted me for over a year! And I’m planning on holding on to it for as long as I can. I finally got over my obsession through figuring out the kind of wallet I really like and what purpose I want it to serve me, rather than impulsively buying one because it’s cute, haha!

    1. Great news! ❤ It was nice knowing I'm not the only one having obsession on wallets before. And yeah, wallets should be own because you like it and it serves you the purpose than just being cute.


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