INBOX ZERO - Living Minimally

So I am practicing the Inbox Zero for like 2 months now and I can say that it is so much well and organized than before. I only left those things I can hardly memorize or just in case, someone bluff me that they send me something I really don't know, I have a proof. It was not easy on the 1st month because I admit I'm a hoarder of sweet messages and memorable conversation with everyone in my social network but I had to let go. After then, I had realized that the most important things/events/memories remains within you. You don't have to read it again and again just to feel what you've felt once you read them. I can still feel them once I remembered them. And sometimes, deleting your old messages HEAL. Yes, some of them are from acquiantances,old friends and ex-lovers. I'd love to read those messages because I was hoping I could still rebuild the relationships. There were regrets and pains after reminiscing the exact moment I received them but once I decided to let go, the right texts/chats/emails from the right people comes.

I'm not yet an expert on this one because I can't hardly find time to indulge on those emails. Yep! They are filed up. Only that I limit them to be less than 100 of UNREAD.
I can only manage FOR NOW to implement this rule in my text messaging app, messenger and telegram. Another thing, INBOX ZERO does not apply on messages only. I also make sure my notifications on Youtube is filtered. I removed notifs on WATCHED vids and those I don't really believe I would watch because it doesn't makes sense to me since it won't apply in my current status.

Hope this post may also help to those living minimal. Love lots! ❤


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