BASIC BAGS - Living Minimally

So I'm sharing with you my Minimalist Items, my Basic Bags.

Years ago, I started collecting Ladies Bags only because of the idea of "I am now a Business Student. I need those bags for my Corporate Attire days!" Turns out I realized those bags will not last until I graduated.

Five years after, I'm regretting the amount of money I spend on those purchases. Like they are Branded! Huhu.

Now, I realize I ONLY NEED this 3 Items to save my everyday look.

As you can see, I have this Black leather Backpack that I love the most. I use them when going to my review and its capacity and space just reminded me that I only need a few things to bring with me. If I was the old me, a Travel Backpack is what is best to bring because I have lot of things I would bring with me only to realize I didn't use much of them. I only bring a powder and lipstick instead of a pouch full of makeups to take up most of time retouching in the bathroom, a handpack of tissue and a small container that holds my alcohol for my hygiene instead of a whole roll of tissue and a battle of alcohol, a comb instead of a hairbrush, my coin purse and a cardholder and the ONLY Handout that I need for that day. Before, I use to bring a long wallet with me because that is what I think is highly accepted in my environment full of RICH KIDS.
So yeah that takes up my Backpack.

The 2nd one which I don't use much as of the moment is a black shoulder bag I bought in case I need to attend a Corporate event like Seminars and company gatherings. It was 2nd hand and I get it because it is leather, it is not big or heavy to carry, it came from a known brand and I get it at a very affordable price because the seller is on clearance sale.
This item saves my space unlike those previous purchases I made during my undergrad because I realize I only need one. Besides, I'm not yet really employed in any company and I don't think I need a NEW bag every other day to show up to my workmates.

The last item is my favorite OOTD Buddy because 1. It is in Good Quality. 2. It is perfect in size, not small and not big. 3. It always look new because it is also leather and I love its color. 4. It is very much easy to incorporate with my outfits.
I always bring this when I'm going out with friends or loved ones that doesn't require much of things.Just my coin purse, cardholder, cellphone, powder and lipstick is all I need.

How about you? Are you also that Bag collector before this journey of Minimalism began? Share it with me. I would love to hear your story as well.


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