
Words are powerful.
It can either make you or it can break you.
Whatever the results may be, it affects.

I'm observant.
Sometimes I hate it, bc of what I could conclude thereafter.

When I started feeling 'Sh*t' in other people's life, I withdraw. A defense mechanism I build up so no too much expectation, less pain once betrayed and disappointed.

However, I tend to ignore little things that adds up and turn into big things purposely. For the reason of testing, I sometimes take the risk and still believe that the end result is worth taking the risk.

My life is nowhere near to perfection but I value most the inner peace I earned. It's quite tempting and annoying at times when I just want the society to rule my life but being a faithful servant of God almost all of my life, it teaches me the value of controlling my personal interest on the society's trend and whereabouts versus simply what is 'right'.

I have read somewhere that says "It is better to be kind than right." which I totally disapproved. How on earth is that true? When the idea of 'being kind' is tied to 'Peers approval', being in trend with everyone, attending all the parties, events and get together religiously and being sociable. When you are not present in one, expect the bad commentaries towards you. When being kind is being stupid on things that needs fixing and being eye-impaired to what was meant to be the other thing but someone can hate you if you rebutt or disapprove.

Being right is living your life in the eye of God.
It's being afraid to do things against the teachings and doctrine that is written in the bible.
And being right leads you towards the salvation when Jesus Christ return on Judgement Day.

And I want to be judged this way.
I may not be the kindest person in the eye of all because I'm KJ and Anti-social but I will be judged on how right I walk on the right path.
How I choose to be different than to be like everyone else. And;
How I despise the evil and contributed all my life and time in serving my God.


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