
Okay. So I've been watching lots of videos on youtube lately and it seems like I'm finding something that would perfectly fit my personality and would boost me to change. To change into someone better, smarter and more practical.

Good thing I came to this channel that talks about simplicity without being a slave or looking so 'kawawa'. It talks about how you can still look elegant and classy with the basic pieces you have in your closet, how simplicity at the same time feminism on a spacious area can be a good thing, how decluttering is so important, it also teaches how to make better choices when it comes to purchasing and how keeping a little quantity of things can do your life a great change. I'm hooked up by this channel and I love everything that I'm seeing.

So I guess, this would be my goal for this year.

Thanks @simplevictoria_ for inspiring this change. :*
Wish me luck and soon let's see what this new life 'theme' can do to my living and my kind of a person.

P.s I'm also expecting that my bank accounts will double this year bc of this. Haha.


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