Genuine Happiness

I am not perfect but I'm happy and contented. Contented in a way that I feel grateful in every blessings that came in my life. I have goals and I believe that God's perfect timing will always the best. I wouldn't question that. I take things slowly but surely. I am not the smartest nor the dumbest and stupidest. I've made mistakes but I am forgiven. I've been hurt but through time, I heal and forgotten the cause of it.

Life is so full of surprises. From that little girl that whines everytime I don't get what I want to the lady of today who accepted the fact that 'Life is cruel!", I am proud of what I become. I accepted that not everyone will like me but it is not my obligation to please them. I change because I want to and it is for the better but not to the point that I've forgotten my self worth.

A balance life between Academics, Social Life and Spiritual aspect is all that I wanted. I am happy that I rebuild my confidence and strong bond with the Almighty again. It is really a challenge to have that 'time' but God is so good at what we call 'perfect timing'. Just Pray and Trust in him and you'll have the best times in your life.

On the other hand, it not always a rainbow. Sometimes, we have to deal with the storms in our life.

Struggling AS ALWAYS in communicating. I'm still learning to be a people-person. It is really hard to explain yourself when no one wants to hear your explanation. It is really hard to defend yourself when they already sentenced you. It is really hard to make a point when you are not being heard. Sometimes, I just feel the need to SHUT UP, especially when I know I wouldn't be heard. I always have this feeling of being rebutted, snobbed, ignored and nevermind. However, I love to express my thoughts especially when I know that they are coward not to have the courage to do so.

I'm different. Always the different, actually.
Sometimes, I question my existence because of that. "Does anyone would care if I banish from this world?" And when I do,I'll hear an answer from above that tells me "My dear Brethren, I still need you. I need you to do the duties you promised to me. I need you to lead your co-brethrens to the kind of service you've provided me. I need you to be an example to my sheeps who are not yet belong to the flock. I need you to be strong and stay faithful in me for I still have a lot of plans for you."

I may not be loved by all but God loves me unconditionally, despite my imperfections. I may not be liked by the 'people' I consider colleagues but when I'm in the office (Secretariat Office), I feel needed and my presence is recognized and appreciated.

Happiness is really a matter of choice. It is within you. You don't depend your happiness to people or things but to the feelings that you allow yourself to feel. Do good and feel good. Don't allow anyone to dictate you on what will make you happy. You know in yourself what it is.

As for me, I am happy that I am blessed with my position in the church, I have my Mudra and Brader who are the best supporter, my childhood friends I keep for years, the people who may not know me for long but believes in my abilities and appreciates my doings, to my mentors who continuosly educate me in handling my finances and understands my hunger in knowledge and most especially, I am forever grateful to receive my divine election. And will take care of it whatever happen.


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