
People nowadays follow the footsteps of who they associate their life with or who they follow most on social media, forgetting to realize that they could be someone else. Someone better, someone's story who's more inspiring and someone who mark in people's lives without being a copy of their idols.

I've been very observant this past few months. I became so very open to people I thought I could depend my life on, whom I can trust and feel free to open my sensitivities with but comes out, I've been wronged.

Being an introvert is not a joke but people nowadays use that word as if its a good thing to be trending. It is a trait, a personality one must consider and give respect to. I'm never been one of those who outcast to the world how I suffer bcoz of this trait. And now that I'm out of my shell, my own world that I created before, my safe haven, I'm happy to announce that somehow I'm no longer that girl who used to be misunderstood bcoz of that trait.

As I was saying, I've notice people changing their lives just to qualify to their peers, to be accepted by the society and to be just to be like their idols.I would never deny that somewhat I've been influenced by my idols too in some matter. In fact, my life pegs have done a really great job in changing me into someone .. better..,someone I love to be ..,someone I want to be.

And with that, I'm grateful I've been smart enough to copy those worth the trait.

Enough with the plagiarism, copy-cat issues and pirating of traits issues but the concept of my writing is "I copy what I think is a good trait to be copied but I build my own name and personality and NO ONE could never do what I do and be who I am because I am Shiela Mae Reforsado Margallo. I got my own name, my original codename as 'Painhearted Ashlei', I never invented the word 'Introverted' for fame, I am not the sole person who dreamt of being a CPA-Lawyer but I got my own reason and purpose for dreaming one and it wasn't a joke or just to be in (or rich rather) and all in all, I am a sheep of God who follows his teachings and guidance rightfully and faithfully. I do not pretend to be religious but I serve him well. I serve him my own way of showing my faith and love to him. I do not change my timing and everything bcoz I know from the very start He is TOP of my priorities and no circumstances and events of life would change that."

People who reads my blog, if there is ..

"Be an Original. Have your on mark. Do not die a copy, instead die with dignity and appropriateness. Have your own purpose in life and live your life well."

I wasn't perfectly born. My surname is intact with sins but I wasn't my ancestors. I am who I am today because I built the image I want people to be remembered and not what people presumed me to be.

And that makes me different from the rest. ;)


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