I always love the sincerity shown in actions. I don’t care about the face, the money or the fame. They are all a shallow reason for me to fall in love. I always fall into the consistency of feeling in love. I always found myself drown into the idea of being in love with a man who knows how to put an effort to make me smile, to make my knees go weak and to always take my breath away, keeping all the insanity in me scattered. The idea of feeling his breath at the side of my face, the heat behind me and the warmth I felt while enclosed inside his arms. Just that moment alone is perfect for me.

How I wish we could snuggle under the stars in the sky at night telling every details of our every day and future plans. To have an unspoken agreement of being together while achieving our goals set before we had our US. I don’t know when did I start imagining things before I go to bed and wake up with the feeling of possibility of seeing you today. You got me the moment you spoke. I don’t care about the attention I’m getting because I’m with you. I don’t care about the stares those girls are shooting at us only because they dreamt of the moment I was in. I don’t care about the malicious accusations the elders are pointing at us only because we tell them “We’re just friends.” when I know we’re more than that. I just want a confirmation. I want an assurance that I am not making things. I want an US clear and understood. Only when you said you want me that I’ll be able to breath. With heavy sigh, I hope to have that right soon.

Please tell me. Please clear things I’ve been confusing for so long. Tell me the things I need to hear, honestly. Before I gave up and move on with my life without you in it.


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